Saturday 23 August 2014

2014-08-23: A Fresh Start.

Hey there! This will be on of two blog posts for tonight, I hope you don't mind.
Since I have started this blog my outlook on life, style, music, and well, blogging, has changed a lot… and I feel like if I keep going on the way I was blogging before I would be faking it. So I'm not going to fake it and every time I change the blog will change. I'm going to a new school that is arts based and I feel like I will evolve a lot and gain more experience, I'm nervous but overall I think I'll have a good time. Okay so I think thats everything I wanted to share, be ready for some C-C-C-C-CHANGES….

xoxo, Roxy (gossip girl lol)

Wednesday 7 May 2014


Hey there,
i just got my new computer over the weekend and it is super amazing so, new blog post.
i said in the last post that i said in the last post that i would be making a youtube channel soon, that soon has been postponed but hopefully i will film this weekend and try to get it up next week!
Mothers day is on sunday and i am drawing a picture of me and my mom from when i was a baby, i haven't started it yet so i'm going to tonight.
I didn't make a post over all of april so i will give you a summary of what happened.

  • Got a boyfriend.
  • Lost a boyfriend.
  • Bought a dress.
  • Wrote an essay on cultural appropriation.
  • Went to a sushi bar where the sushi comes around on boats.
Thats about it.

i don't really know what else to say so here are some photos i love

Have a good day, week, month, year, life!
Xx, roxy.

Sunday 30 March 2014


Hi guys! Sorry I took a bit of a break from blogging, I've had a lot of school work right now...
I recently wrote something in my journal/notebook that i thought was very positive and something that will hopefully make you smile!
We are all stars. The explosion of a star is called a supernova, and in the heat and pressure of a supernova elements get created. And due to the shockwaves of the explosion new stars form, and when they exloped they create elements that create new stars and so on and so forth. So every atom in our body and everything around us was made by the explosion of a star. So we are all stardust.

There you go! After writing that I thought it would be WAY longer than it was so here are somethings that have been going on and stuff!
I'm getting a new computer soon and on that computer is gonna have final cut pro and photo shop and other really cool applications so i'm very excited!
Ive been doing alot of art and writing right now and i will hopefully be doing a photoshoot and a film project soon so stay tuned!
I also got tickets to go see Fall Out Boy and Paramore with my friend in june so I'm VERY excited for that.
I'm also starting a youtube channel soon so when thats up I'll post a link!
I can't really think of anything else to put in here!
Thanks for being amazing, stay positive!
Xx, Roxy.
Song of the week: Stuck on the Puzzle by Alex Turner

Saturday 15 February 2014


Hey there, 
Valentines day rules because sales on chocolate. 
In any other way it sucks for me. Here's why it does:
•people who like you always trying to be near you even when you walk away
•people shoving their relationshit in your face (and yes I do mean 'relationshit')
•people shoving being single in your face 
•people giving you crap for being single

Something good that happened on valentines day was Ellen Paige came out as lesbian. So that's cool. 

Here's pretty much how my valentines day went:
I went to school, did barely any work because everyone in my school was going mental. Then at lunch break I went to Starbucks with my friends. After that we had a dance for the rest of the afternoon. After 'school' I went to my friends house and we got stuff for her party and I stole one of her shirts. At around 8 we skyped our friend who lives pretty far away, then I went home skyped a few friends, watched Amelie and fell asleep. 
I would love to know how your valentines went. 

Here are some photos that are nice and stuff 

(I took that one) 

Ok bye
Xx, Roxy.
8tracks of the week: dazed and confused by astridyates or instant crush by cherrygrrrl

Friday 7 February 2014


Something that has been happening to me lately is late night phone calls. These calls usually last till theres nothing to talk about so we just listen to the breathing from the other line. 
I love these phone calls so much because it shows how people like being around others even if its only over the phone, its kind of crazy.
I'm actually having one right now with my best friend. We're singing Frozen songs and talking about taylor swift. Most of the time we aren't even talking to each other, i'm listening to her sing and she's listening to my type. 

Another thing thats happened is the skys been super pretty every afternoon/evening this week which is really nice because it has been super gloomy here lately.
School is sucky, work is sucky, emotions are sucky. 
Teen angst bullshit.

Ok i really don't have anything else to say so here are some awesome photos 

Movie of the week: But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)

Xx, Roxy. 

Friday 31 January 2014


I decided that I am going to start up a new blog! I am going to try to post every week, and it won't always be the same topic.
This weeks post will be what I did today.

I have been feeling a bit sick lately so I stayed home today and got up when I would for school (7:00) took a shower and got dressed.
After that I read a little bit of Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell which I have been loving. Then I made a smoothie with 
yogurt, soy milk, a avocado, raspberries, a banana, spinach and some maple syrup. It was so good!I will be making another soon!

Then my mum had to go out so I had to watch my little brother for about an hour. During that hour we played with legos and for lunch I made him two boiled eggs and made myself eggs, toast and avocado. 
I have this art project due on tuesday and I haven't started so I did it at 12ish (The project was to make a mandala out of found objects that mean something to you, my mandala had: Plants, books pens and pencils, cameras, some records, letters, knitting needles nail polish and pins).
A few friends came over for lunch. We ate and watched youtube videos and then after a bit they had to go so I finished my project, listened to a bit more records and looked on the ikea website because I am renovating my room soon so I need new furniture.
It was 2 and I decided it was time to get some fresh air so I went on a walk down to a couple shops (A record store called Sonic Boom, a coffee shop and a vintage store. I left with a Velvet Underground record and a bubble tea. 
Now its 3 and I have to get on the train to my dads house, where I will probably veg out and read/watch tv.

I decided I will end on these posts with a '_____ of the week'
This weeks is:
Song of the week which is Arabella by Arctic Monkeys (On the AM record)
Xx, Roxy.